NRM Local Action Day

We got out to Cheltenham High Street for our street stall on 23 March accompanied by the Junior Star of European Unity and Peace. The Junior Star, along with the considerably larger Senior Star, is designed to promote discussion and debate on the future of the UK and our place in Europe.

The five points of the star provide different topics for discussion – society, economy, environment, governance and global affairs – what is happening in the UK in these areas, changes since leaving the EU and what can be done to improve matters, with an emphasis on harmony and co-operation.

With these themes in mind our ‘opinionometer’ asked the questions:

  • Society: Has leaving the EU been good for young people e.g. work, education, travel opportunities?
  • Economy: Has leaving the EU been good for the economy e.g. cost of living, business, music industry?
  • Environment: Have environmental standards improved since leaving the EU e.g. keeping our water and air clean?
  • Governance: Do you believe what the government says about leaving the EU e.g. going well, good trade deals?
  • Global Affairs: Does the UK have as much global influence since leaving the EU?

The aims of the day were to discuss these topics as well as joining in with nationwide 4 Europe groups campaigning to rejoin the EU.

Unfortunately our session was rather briefer than anticipated due to the cold weather and a burst of heavy rain. However, before the rain set in several passers by stopped to say hello and stick stickers on our opinion board, none of whom thought that leaving the EU was going well, and all, at the very least, wanted to improve relations with our nearest neighbours as well as to rejoin the EU.

Sarah Moliver

Cheltenham for Europe

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